008 A tiny milestone

Next week will mark a small milestone in my professional career.

I’ve scheduled my first case study. The very first one since I started getting paid to do this around 8 years ago (56 in web years).

I’ve posted some content in past versions of portfolio or quickly put together a list when trying to send a proposal but haven’t really showed any work I do to anyone.

a) I’m not ready to say it’s complete (learning to let it go is one of those things you only get with experience.. and Idina Menzel).
b) My website is never ready.
c) As it happened with my funky flash websites; the work just “expired”.

What’s kept most of the work coming have been word-of-mouth referrals that have led to similar projects and brand new I-dont-know-what-I-got-into ones. It is amazing how much weight personal recommendations carry. If you have been my client in the past. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

One of my main goals for case studies is to start describing my process. Not really about how I added the golden ratio to everything and made it look pretty; but mostly about mistakes and thought processes and lessons learned.

About how I achieved (or didn’t) the most important design question: Did I solve my clients’ problem

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